16 September 2016
SWA YWP Networking Event – Wine Tasting Session
The event attracted 39 participants from 14 organisations ranging across PUB, equipment suppliers, consultants and EPC contractors. An introduction of the wines was given to the group prior to each sampling of five wines; sparkling wine, white wine, rose wine and two red wines. Canapes were served and aroma set “Le Nez du Vin” was provided for participants to learn to smell and recognize wine aromas.
The feedback received was generally positive. The participants who ranged from junior to senior water professionals with 80% aged 35 years and below, enjoyed the event which allowed interaction at a social setting among peers in the water industry. The event created awareness to young water professionals about YWP and its aims and objectives to organise more events as a platform to allow peers in the water industry to interact and network.