[Online UK – SG Tech Showcase] Coastal Protection & Climate Change – Engineering & Adaptation on 20th April 2023, 8:00am – 9:30am (UK Time)/4:00pm – 5:30pm (SGT Time)

20th April 2023
[Online UK – SG Tech Showcase] Coastal Protection & Climate Change – Engineering & Adaptation on 20th April 2023, 8:00am – 9:30am (UK Time)/4:00pm – 5:30pm (SGT Time)


Dear Members and Partners


SG-UK Tech Showcase:

Register for our forthcoming [Online UK – SG Tech Showcase] Coastal Protection & Climate Change – Engineering & Adaptation co-organised with British Water.


The SG-UK Tech showcase aims to highlight the latest engineering and adaptation technologies that can help protect coastal regions and mitigate the effects of climate change. 



  • Opening & Housekeeping by British Water –  Speaker: Charles Shachinda, Technical Officer – International
  • Welcome Remarks and brief Intro of British Water – Speaker:  Tom Williams, British Water International Forum Chair
  • Brief Remark by PUB, Singapore Water Agency
  • Sharing  by UK companies
  • Q & A Session
  • Closing


Who should attend:

SG-UK Tech Showcase is an inclusive envent that welcomes a diverse range of professionals and stakeholders interested in coastal protection and climete change adaptation. Whether you are an expert in the field or simply interested in learning more.


For COMPLIMENTARY slots, please register by 18 April 2023.


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