Inaugural Youth Programme – “Paddles In, Litter Out”

30 January 2016
Inaugural Youth Programme – “Paddles In, Litter Out”

Held on 30 January 2016 at Waterways Watch Society (WWS), the “Paddles In, Litter Out” event was very well received and attended by over 50 participants. Many showed interest in YWP and were pleased to know that such a platform for youths was finally initiated.

Following a brief introduction by YWP committee and a presentation by WWS, the river clean-up activity promptly commenced. WWS staff and volunteers led participants on a journey along Kallang River on kayaks and bikes. Participants engaged in retrieving litter left by irresponsible park goers along the riverbanks. The activity was followed by an interactive networking lunch session.

Many positive and encouraging feedback were received, with many indicating interest in future activities.