Design, Operation and Maintenance of Water Treatment Plant – MASTERCLASS TRAINING COURSE (23rd – 25th April 2025)
Date: 23rd - 25th April 2025
Time: 9am - 5pm
Venue: Waterhub, PUB Singapore Water Exchange, 84 Toh Guan Road East (S) 608501
Singapore Water Association will be organising a 3-day in-person training class on the Design, Operation and Maintenance of Water Treatment Plant on 23-25 April 2025. This course is to provide managers and executives of water companies with an appreciation of the conceptual design of a water treatment plant to treat conventional sources of water to potable standards and the operation and maintenance of such a plant.
Event Details
Date: Wednesday, 23rd April 2025, Thursday, 24th April 2025 & Friday, 25th April 2025
Time: 09:00 am – 05:00 pm
Venue: Waterhub, PUB Singapore Water Exchange, 84 Toh Guan Road East (S) 608501
Learning Outcomes
Executives and managers will be able to understand the considerations that go into the conceptual design of a water treatment plant bearing in mind the practicality and sustainability of the design from the operational and maintenance perspectives and its impact on cost.
Target audience
Managers and executives in the water industry
Course Outline
• Raw water sources and characteristics
• Potable water quality standards
• Process selection
• Unit process design concepts taking into consideration operational and maintenance requirements and cost
• Operation and maintenance
• Challenges
COURSE FEE ( Subject to GST 9%):
SWA Member – SGD 850
Non-Member – SGD 950
Award of Certificate
1. Participants will be issued with a Certificate of Attainment upon meeting 75% of the required course attendance.
2. This course is qualified for 12 PDUs by PEB.
About the Trainer:
Lee Mun Fong (Retired from PUB: 11 Oct 2020)
Lee Mun Fong’s experiences as a Water Engineer spans some 41 years. Notable experience includes his involvement in the planning and process design of large water treatment plants and managing their operations and maintenance for more than 25 years. Besides conventional water treatment plants, he has also been involved in managing the operations and maintenance of plants using advanced processes such as ozone as a primary disinfectant and also in plants using membrane filtration. He was the Deputy Director/Chief Engineer overseeing the operations and maintenance of 6 conventional water treatment plants in Singapore, and NEWater Factories and the administration of the contract for the supply of desalinated water from the first 2 desalination plants in Singapore involving the private sector.
He was also a member of the team that brought NEWater to Singapore. He was in the PUB Water Reclamation Technical Committee which supervised the study to reclaim water from secondary treated used water to produce high-grade water (NEWater) for indirect potable use and direct non-potable use. It was one of the largest potable water reuse programmes in the world. The study involved the implementation of a pilot plant employing dual membrane and ultra-violet disinfection and a 2-year sampling and monitoring programme involving some 350 physical, chemical, radiological, and microbiological parameters to determine the safety of NEWater for potable use. The study also included fish and mice studies. It eventually led to Singapore being one of the early pioneers in adopting water reuse for portable applications.
To confirm a place for this training, please REGISTER by 9 April 2025. Registration will be on a first-come first served basis (This course is limited to 20 participants only).
For further enquiries, please feel free to contact Ms Cecilia Tan at 65150812 or email